Settlement of Shallow Foundations


The settlement of shallow foundations can be divided into two categories based on the time frame of occurrence. The settlement of a structure cannot be avoided even we build the structure on a rock.

In the pile design also a certain amount of settlement could occur due to the failures of construction with the increase of the loading.

Buildings constructed on a soil definitely settle and it should be within the limit considered in the recommendation to foundation design.

The designer’s responsibility is to maintain a uniform settlement over the building as the different settlement creates issues.

Soil act as a spring which referred to as by subgrade reaction in calculations and does the vertical movement of the structure with the application of loads. As explained above, it could occur in two-stage as below.

  1. Elastic settlement or immediate settlement
  2. Consolidation settlement

In this article, we discussed the elastic settlement or the immediate settlement of shallow foundations with a worked example.

Elastic Settlement of Shallow Foundations

Elastic settlement occurs during the construction of the structure and immediately after the construction of the structure.

However, consolidation settlement occurs over a period of time. It occurs due to the reduction of the pour water pressure in the saturated clay. Consolidation settlement occurs in two phases namely they are primary and secondary consolidation.

The calculation of the elastic settlement is discussed in this article. The method of calculating elastic settlement based on the theory of elasticity is discussed with the worked example for ease of understanding.

Method of Calculation of Elastic Settlement

Elastic Settlement, Se, as per the book Principles of Foundation Engineering

Se =q0(αB’)[(1-μ2s)/Es]IsIf


q0 – Net applied pressure on the foundation

μs – Poisson’s ratio of soil

Es – Average modulus of elasticity of the soil under the foundation, measured form Z=0 to about Z =4B

B’ – B/2 for the center of the foundation and ‘B’ for conner of foundation

Is – Shape factor (Steinbrenner, 1934)

Is = F1 + [(1-2μs )/(1- μs )]F2

F1 = (1/π)[A0 + A1]

F2 = (n’/2π) tan-1A2

A0 = m’ ln { [ 1+(m’2+1)0.5](m’2 + n’2)0.5 } / { m'[1+(m’2 +n’2 + 1)0.5]}

A1 = ln { [ m’ + (m’2+1)0.5 ] (1 + n’2)0.5 } / [m’+(m’2 +n’2 + 1)0.5]

A2 = m’ / [ n’ (m’2 +n’2 + 1)0.5 ]

If = depth factor (Fox, 1948) = f (Df/B, μs , and L/B

α = a factor that depends on the location on the foundation where settlement is being calculated

Following values are used to calculated the settlement at the center of the foundation.

α = 4, m’ = L/B, and n’ = H / (B/2)

Settlement at the corner of the foundation can be calculated using follwining values.

α = 1, m’ = L/B, and n’ = H / B

Due to the existance of deffenet layers of soil under the foundation, Es will vary layer to layer. Weighted averation of the Es is considered for the calculations as recommended by Bowels (1987). Es can be calculated following equation.

Es = [ ∑ Es(i) ∆z ] / Z0


Es(i) = soil modulus of elasticity within a depth ∆z

Z0 = H or 5B, whichever is smaller

The above equation and theories are extracted from the book Principles of Foundation Engineering.

The Wikipedia article on Foundation (Engineering) discusses the type of foundations to be used in construction.

Worked Example Calculation of Settlement of Shallow Foundations at the Center


  • Dimensions of foundation 1.5m x 2m
  • Net applied pressure on the foundation, q0 = 175 kN/m2
  • Poisson’s ratio of soil μs = 0.3

B = 1.5 m

L = 2m

Average, Es

Es = ( 8000 x 2 + 12000 x 2 + 10000 x 2) / 6 = 10000 kN/ m2

α = 4

m’ = L/B = 2 / 1.5 = 1.333

n’ = H / (B/2) = 6 / (1.5/2) = 8

F1 and F2 can be calculated from the above equations after calculating A0 , A1, and A2. Or the tables given in the book Principles of foundation engineering could be referred.

A0 = m’ ln { [ 1+(m’2+1)0.5](m’2 + n’2)0.5 } / { m'[1+(m’2 +n’2 + 1)0.5]}

A0 = 1.333 x ln { [ 1+(1.3332+1)0.5](1.3332 + 82)0.5 } / { 1.333[1+(1.3332 +82 + 1)0.5]}

A0 = 0.760

A1 = ln { [ m’ + (m’2+1)0.5 ] (1 + n’2)0.5 } / [m’+(m’2 +n’2 + 1)0.5]

A1 = ln { [ 1.333 + (1.3332+1)0.5 ] (1 + 82)0.5 } / [1.333+(1.3332 +82 + 1)0.5]

A1 = 0.934

A2 = m’ / [ n’ (m’2 +n’2 + 1)0.5 ]

A2 = 1.333 / [ 8 (1.3332 +82 + 1)0.5 ]

A2 = 0.020

F1 = (1/π)[A0 + A1] = (1/π)[0.760 + 0.934] = 0.539

F2 = (n’/2π) tan-1A2

Firstly, calcuate the tan-1A2 in degrees and it conver to radins

tan-1A2 = tan-1(0.02) = 1.1460

Radian value = 1.1460 x ( π / 180 ) = 0.02

F2 = (n’/2π) tan-1A2 = (8 / 2π) x 0.02 = 0.025

Is = F1 + [(1-2μs )/(1- μs )]F2 = 0.539 + [(1-2×0.3 )/(1- 0.3 )] x 0.025 = 0.553

If can be evaluated from the Table given in the principles of foundation engieering.

For μs = 0.3, Df / B = 1/1.5 = 0.667 and B/L = 1.5/2 = 0.75

If = 0.755

Foundation Settlement

Se =q0(αB’) [(1-μ2s) / Es ]IsIf

at center of the foundaiton

Se =q0(αB/2)[(1-μ2s)/Es]IsIf = 175(4×1.5/2)[(1-0.32)/10000] x 0.553 x 0.755 = 0.02m

Settlement of the foundation is 20mm.

Reference: Principles of Foundation Engineering

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